Interior construction project for DCS and PLC control system
Specifications: DCS and PLC control systems which produced with hart for more than 80% of hardware and software equipment are domestic productions
Considering that the control systems in the world are developing rapidly due to its great application and especially the rapid advancement of technology, and considering the possibility of malware invading through this system, which has happened in the past, so it is necessary to build control systems in Inside, it is important that due to previous measures regarding its construction and also the intensification of sanctions for complete localization, SPEC Company through Sub Tak KISH Company designed and manufactured DCS control system based on the latest technology of the companies. Emerson and Honeywell have obtained the relevant test certificates and have been visited and approved by representatives of petrochemical plants
Electrical and Instrument Unit

Domistic Project of Control valve and trailer related equipment
Specification: Trailer equipment (internal part, different types of Actuator, PCV, PSV, MOV and …)
The last situation: Due to the usage and urgent need of the petrochemical industry for control valves and the application of new sanctions, this company in cooperation with reputable domestic manufacturing companies (Rasta Qeshm Group and Borna Sanat Toos) has designed and manufactured control parts for valves in petrochemical complexes. The first contract with Borzoyeh Petrochemical (Nuri) has been concluded and is underway, which is based on the agreement, considering that this project is being carried out professionally for the first time in the country, in case of success in technical tests and Execution of the first phase components, all control valves and related components in the optical complex and other complexes will be internalized

The project of producing central warning (Siren) Bandar Imam Petrochemical
specification: Intelligent and controllable electronic alarm system with wireless capability and the possibility of audible alarm with different tones latest status: Considering the current situation in the country and the need of the complexes to prevent any foreign invasion, it is necessary to design and build a central warning system with the latest technology in the world. In this regard, Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex requests to purchase, install and operate this The system and considering that the system is very sensitive and secure in terms of hardware and software, so the project with the participation of a reputable domestic manufacturer (Safety and Communication Design Engineering Company) and the German company ( Sonnenburg ) approved passive defense Bandar Imam Petrochemical is located and now internal mechanical equipment and external hardware are provided and the site is in the stage of mechanical installation. Factory tests (FAT) control system is ready to be performed in the manufacturer
(Low pressure explosion-proof electric motors (EEX-ed
The essential need of oil, gas and petrochemical industries for explosion-proof electric motors make best participation of SPEC company with domestic and foreign companies which are well known, the project of making explosion-proof electric motors with the transfer of technical knowledge and approval of reputable European laboratories that performed for the first time in country.

High pressure explosion-proof electric motors
By sharing the technical knowledge of low pressure explosion-proof electric motors with purpose and policies of SPEC Company. The work order ranks of transferring technical knowledge of high pressure explosion-proof electric motors have been done with the cooperation and participation of reputable foreign and domestic companies.